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Types Of Stainless Steel Branch Outlet

Views: 22     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-11-23      Origin: Site

Stainless steel branch outlet is a forged reinforced pipe fitting, mainly used for connect pipelines,especially in high-pressure,high-temperature,large-diameter,thick-walled pipelines,and has gradually replaced traditional branch pipe connection methods.

Stainless steel branch outlets are forged from stainless steel.Branch outlet pipe fittings are providing an outlet from a larger pipe to a smaller one.They are used to instead of connected fittings such as reducing tees,reinforcing plates, and reinforced pipe sections.There are many types based on the varity piping connected methods that weldolet,

thredolet,sockolet,latrolet,elbolet,nipolet,sweepolet and flangolet.Why they are popular,because its outstanding advantages,such as safety, reliability,low cost and simple construction.


Weldolet is most common and economical of all stainless steel branch outlet,it is welded to the main run pipe (larger size) and connceted to the branch pipe (small size).The shape of the Weldolet ensures little stress concentration on the branched pipe,providing an integral reinforcement.The weldolet has three pressure levels:STD,XS and Sch160, and the main production standards are MSS SP-97 and GB/T 19326.

Specification of Weldolet Fittings

Size Range 1/8" - 24" / DN6 - DN600
Schedule Chart STD, XS, SCH 160
Standard MSS SP-97
Carbon Steel

ASTM A105 / A105N

Low Temp Carbon Steel ASTM A350 LF2 / LF3
Pipeline Steel ASTM A694 F42 / 46 / 56 / 60 / 65
Alloy Steel ASTM A182 F11 / 12 / 5 / 9 / 91 / 92 / 22
Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F304/304L/304H, 316/316L, 310S, 317, 347, 904L, 321
Duplex Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F51, F53, F44

MSS SP-97 Weldolet Dimensions

Run Pipes Nominal Size Branch Nominal Size Length OD of Fitting Cut Hole Dia.
STD XS Sch 160 STD XS SCH 160 STD XS SCH 160
8-900 1/4-36 6 1/8 16 16
24 24
16 16
10-900 3/8-36 8 1/4 16 16
26 26
16 16
15-900 1/2-36 10 3/8 19 19
30 30
19 19
20-900 3/4-36 15 1/2 19 19 28 36 36 36 24 24 14
25-900 1-36 20 3/4 22 22 32 43 43 46 30 30 19
32-900 11/4-36 25 1 27 27 38 55 55 51 36 36 25
40-900 11/2-36 32 11/4 32 32 44 66 66 63 45 45 33
50-900 2-36 40 11/2 33 33 51 74 74 71 51 51 38
65-900 21/2-36 50 2 38 38 55 90 90 82 65 65 43
80-900 3-36 65 21/2 41 41 62 104 104 98 76 76 54
90-900 31/2-36 80 3 44 44 73 124 124 122 93 93 73
100-900 4-36 90 31/2 48 48
138 138
113 113
125-900 5-36 100 4 51 51 84 154 154 154 120 120 98
150-900 6-36 125 5 57 57 94 187 187 188 141 141 122
200-900 8-36 150 6 60 78 105 213 227 222 170 170 146
250-900 10-36 200 8 70 99
265 292
220 220
300-900 12-36 250 10 78 94
323 325
275 265
350-900 14-36 300 12 86 103
379 381
325 317
400-900 16-36 350 14 89 100
411 416
357 351
450-900 18-36 400 16 94 106
465 468
408 403
500-900 20-36 450 18 97 111
522 525
459 455
550-900 22 500 20 102 119
573 584
508 509
650-900 26 600 24 116 140
690 708
614 612

Weldolet Weight Chart in KG

Branch Nomina Size BW Outlet
6 1/8 0.04 0.05
8 1/4 0.04 0.05
10 3/8 0.06 0.07
15 1/2 0.11 0.13 0.18
20 3/4 0.16 0.18 0.20
25 1 0.32 0.34 0.40
32 1/4 0.38 0.42 0.50
40 11/2 0.57 0.60 0.70
50 2 0.85 0.90 1.10
65 21/2 1.28 1.35 2.00
80 3 1.88 2.00 3.20
90 3/2 2.20 2.40
100 4 2.80 3.20 6.00
125 5 5.70 6.80 9.80
150 6 7.20 11.0 16.0
200 8 10.8 19.2 31
250 10 17.0 19.5
300 12 25.6 29.6
350 14 27.0 32.0
400 16 36.0 41.7
450 18 48.2 55.8
500 20 58.5 76.0
600 24 149 152


stainless steel threaded olet

The threadolet is similar to the weldolet,but its connection method uses threaded,making installation and removal easier.The threadolet has two pressure ratings,3000# and 6000#.

Size Range 1/8" - 4" / DN6 - DN100
Pressure Rating Class 3000lbs, 6000lbs
Standard MSS SP-97
Thread Type NPT, PT, BSPP, BSPT, PF
Carbon Steel ASTM A105 / A105N
Low Temp Carbon Steel ASTM A350 LF2 / LF3
Alloy Steel ASTM A182 F11 / 12 / 5 / 9 / 91 / 92 / 22
Pipeline Steel ASTM A694 F42 / 46 / 56 / 60 / 65
Stainless Steel A STM A182 F304/304L/304H, 316/316L, 310S, 317 ,347, 904L, 321
Duplex Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F51, F53, F44

MSS SP-97 Threadolet Dimensions

3000 6000 3000 6000 3000 6000 3000 6000
8~900 1/4~36 6 1/8 19 - 27 - 22 - 6.7 16 -
10~900 3/8~36 8 1/4 19 - 27 - 22 - 10.2 16 -
15~900 1/2~36 10 3/8 21 - 30 - 25 - 10.4 19 -
20~900 3/4~36 15 1/2 25 32 38 45 33 42 13.6 24 19
25~900 1~36 20 3/4 27 37 47 52 39 48 13.9 30 25
32~900 11/4~36 25 1 33 40 56 63 48 58 17.3 36 33
40~900 11/2~36 32 11/4 33 41 66 72 58 67 18.0 45 38
50~900 2~36 40 11/2 35 43 75 83 64 77 18.4 51 49
65~900 21/2~36 50 2 38 52 90 104 77 93 19.2 65 59
80~900 3~36 65 21/2 46 - 105 - 94 - 28.9 76 -
100~900 4~36 80 3 51 - 124 - 114 - 30.5 94 -
125~900 5~36 100 4 57 - 154 - 140 - 33.0 121


Weight Chart

Branch Nominal Size THRD Outlet
DN NPS 3000 6000
6 1/8 0.05
8 1/4 0.05
10 3/8 0.09
15 1/2 0.17 0.32
20 3/4 0.22 0.47
25 1 0.43 0.65
32 1/4 0.61 0.96
40 11/2 0.69 1.28
50 2 1.10 2.15
60 2 1/2 1.52
80 3 2.50
90 3 1/2

100 4 4.10


One end of the socketolet is flat,inserted into the branch pipe, and then welded together.It has higher tensile strength,firmness,corrosion resistance,higher durability,excellent weld ability and longer service life.It has two pressure levels, class 3000 and class 6000.

Size Range 1/8" - 4" / DN6 - DN100
Pressure Rating Class 3000lbs, 6000lbs
Standard MSS SP-97
Carbon Steel ASTM A105 / A105N
Low Temp Carbon Steel ASTM A350 LF2/LF3
Pipeline Steel ASTM A694 F42 / 46 / 56 / 60 / 65
Alloy Steel ASTM A182 F11 / 12 / 5 / 9 / 91 / 92 / 22
Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F304/304L/304H, 316/316L, 310S, 317, 347, 904L, 321
Duplex Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F51, F53, F44

Sockolet Data Sheet

3000 6000 3000 6000 3000 6000 3000 6000
1/4~36 6 1/8 9.5 10 - 27 - 3.18 - 16 -
-10~900 3/8~36 8 1/4 9.5 10 - 27
- 3.78 - 16 -
18~900 1/2~36 10 3/8 9.5 13 - 30 - 4.01 - 19 -
20~900 3/4~36 15 1/2 9.5 16 24 38 47 4.67 5.97 24 19
25~900 1~36 20 3/4 12.5 16 25 47 53 4.90 6.96 30 25
32~900 11/4~36 25 1 12.5 22 29 56 63 5.69 7.92 36 33
40~900 11/2~36 32 11/4 12.5 22 30 66 74 6.07 7.92 45 38
50~900 2 40 11/2 12.5 24 32 75 83 6.35 8.92 51 49
65~900 21/2~36 50 2 16 24 37 90 104 6.93 10.92 65 59
80~900 3~36 65 21/2 16 25 - 105 - 8.76 - 76 -
100~900 4~36 80 3 16 30 - 124 - 9.52 - 94 -
125~900 5~36 100 4 19 30 - 154 - 10.69 - 121 -

Weight Chart

Branch Nominal Size SW Outlet
DN NPS 3000 6000
6 1/8 0.05 :
8 1/4 0.05
10 3/8 0.09 -
15 1/2 0.16 0.35
20 3/4 0.20 0.47
25 1 0.42 0.68
32 11/4 0.59 1.10
40 11/2 0.70 1.30
50 2 1.10 2.45
65 2 1/2 1.40
80 3 2.30
90 3 1/2

100 4 4.20 -

Material Grades of Stainless Steel Branch Outlet MSS SP-97

Duplex Steel

ASTM A182 F51,F53,F55,S31803,S32205,S32550,S32750,S32760

Stainless Steel

ASTM A182 F304/304L,F304H,F316/316L,F310,F317,F321




Low cost

Variety types

Easy installation

Simple construction

Reliable connection

Tel: (+86) 372-2155516
Mobile: (+86) 18625862121
Contact: Jerry Zhao
Address: No 888 Xigangshen Road Jiading Shanghai